The middle piece of bilateral radius ( 1 cm) was extracted under anesthesia and aseptic technique, the wound was sutured, and the formation of nonunion model was proved by posterior X-rays film. 无菌操作麻醉下截除双侧桡骨中段1cm,缝合伤口,3个月后摄X线片证实骨不连模型形成。
Conclusion Strict aseptic management to surface of wound and continuous gastrointestinal decompression can raise the survival rate of infant with acromphalus, also can improve the remote life quality. 结论严格无菌的创面处理和可靠而持久的胃肠减压可提高新生儿脐膨出患儿的存活率,远期生活质量良好。